Saturday, April 30, 2011

فضيحة ياسمين بدون ملابس داخلية بالصور والفيديو | فضيحة ستار اكاديمي 8

فضيحة ياسمين بدون ملابس داخلية بالصور والفيديو
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فضيحة ستار اكاديمي 8 . صور فضيحة ستار اكاديمي ياسمين , ستار اكاديمي 8, فضيحة نجوم ستار اكاديمي 8 , فضيحة ستار اكاديمي , صور ستار اكاديمي , يوتيوب ستار اكاديمي 8 , ستار اكاديمي 8 , اغاني ستار اكاديمي فضايح ستار اكاديمي 8 , فضيحة ستار اكاديمي فيديو 8

التقطت الكاميرا ياسمين في وضع مخزي وهي لابسه تنورة قصيرة جدا و كانت الكاميرا امامها مباشرة فظهر المستخبي وبان
فضائح ستار اكاديمى 8 فضيحة ياسمين بدون ملابس داخلية بالفيديو مدونة سمعنا مزيكا ملابس , بالصور , بدون , داخلية , ياسمين , فضيحة , والفيديوفضيحة مدونة سمعنا مزيكا ياسمين بدون ملابس داخلية بالفيديوكانت ياسمين لابسة تنورة قصيرة جدا وجالسة والكاميرا امامها مباشرة فظهر المستخبي وبان صور فضيحة ياسمين بدون الملايس الداخلية ستار اكاديمى 8

فضائح ستار 8 اكاديمي فضيحة ياسمين بدون ملابس داخلية بالفيديو 

فضائح ستار 8 اكاديمي فضيحة ياسمين بدون ملابس داخلية بالفيديو
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فضائح ستار اكاديمي : الملابس الداخلية في الاكاديمية اصبحت خارجية

فضائح ستار اكاديمي : الملابس الداخلية في الاكاديمية اصبحت خارجية

 للمرة المليون ملابس داخلية تصبح في الاكاديمية خارجية دون الاهتمام بمشاعر الملايين الذين يشاهدون البرنامج من اطفال صغار وحتى رجال.يذكر انها ليست المرة الاولى التي تظهر فيها ملابس داخلية لطالبات الاكاديمية.في مواسم سابقة وحتى في هذا الموسم.

فهل جاء الوقت لمقاطعة البرنامج لهذه الاسباب ام انها مجرد اخطاء متكررة وغير مقصودة ؟؟؟

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People who are new to using Facebook chat may think that Facebook emoticons have been an intergral part of the social network since its inception more than five years ago. This is, in fact, not the case – and the entire system for live communication via chat was actually not a part of Facebook until much more recently. Where did it come from? Why did they choose to add it? What is the history of the Facebook chat emoticons? Let’s take a look.
Facebook Emoticons
Facebook Emoticons
Five years ago, the social networking scene was completely different. Myspace dominated the internet in terms of connecting people to their friends, family members and colleagues – however it was not completely integrated into our lives, the way Facebook is now. The reason for this was a number of key mistakes, committed by Myspace and their partners over a two year period, which allowed Facebook the chance to enter the market and then (as we have seen) dominate it.
The first error that Myspace made was to almost completely ignore the needs of its users and the reasons why they had come to the social network in the first place. Communication is one of the key reasons that the internet has gone from being a military help to the single biggest invention in the last one hundred years. The connection between homes and people are now unbreakable, and every day it becomes more and more integrated. This communication was something that Myspace offered when it was first made available to users – the abililty to give and receive information to people who you knew (either in real life or online). This changed though.
The site became a popularity contest – a way for people with low self esteem to prove their popularity by adding hundreds of fake friends who they didn’t really know to their profiles. Another mistake was that the users were given the ability to upload custom CSS files to their pages, which could affect the layout. Chaos ensued, with member pages frequently breaking or proving unreadable to a number of browsers and users. People wanted to go back to the simplicity of being able to communicate with their friends without all of the bells, whistles, gadgets and plugins.

Facebook emoticons

Enter Facebook. The clean design and clear navigation was like a gift from heaven for the disillusioned Myspace users, and they signed up in their millions. What had begun as a tool for University classmates to talk with each other and plan their social calendars had become a platform for everyone to share photos, messages and eventually chat.
When chat was introduced to the site nearly two years ago, there were concerns that the size of Facebook (which now dominated the social networking world) would mean that any browser based addon would be slow and bulky, but it proved to be quite the opposite. The lightweight client proved extremely popular as it was tested thoroughly in beta before being rolled out to the public.
Many users were surprised by the style of this chat service – it seemed to almost be a step back in terms of technology and usability from MSN and Yahoo Messenger. This, however, was the plan of Facebook – to continue to offer a sleek and clean interface, which held (under the hood) the power that users needed to continue to keep in touch with each other and chat. After initial resistance, people embraced the new platform until billions of messages were being sent every single day. It was a phenomenon.
One small feature which seemed to be missing when chat was introduced was that of Facebook emoticons. Since the advent of ICQ and MSN more than a decade ago, people were used to being able to send small graphics and icons to their friends to represent their feelings and emotions – so where were they? The answer, of course, was that they were hidden! You could access these images, but you needed to learn the codes for inserting the symbols into your Facebook chats. So how could you find the different key press combinations to put them in your conversations? That was the hard part.
People tried different combos for days, trying to uncover all of the different permutations – and finally after a couple of weeks they were all found and listed online. Of course, people didn’t immediately look for them, but now we can see that the popularity of Facebook emoticons is such that theyre are hundreds of websites talking about them on the web (including this one!).

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How Facebook Works

Facebook profile

Facebook Profiles

Image courtesy Facebook
The upper section of a member profile contains the profile picture and an application sidebark.
Your Facebook profile is the Web page other members will see if they look you up. It gives people an idea about who you are and what your interests include. Facebook assumes that many of the people with whom you'll want to connect work for the same company, went to the same school or live in the same town as you.

To make it easier to find friends both old and new, Facebook gathers information about you and everyone else to create a dense network of contacts. The upside is that you'll be able to see old classmates or coworkers who have Facebook accounts; the downside is that everyone else in that network will be able to find you. You can choose not to answer questions or to adjust privacy settings so that others can't find you, but that tends to defeat the purpose of a social networking site. ­

Your unmodified profile has:

A space where you can upload a profile picture.
A friends section, which displays pictures of Facebook members you've befriended.
A section that shows the personal information you've decided to share with other members. This can include your birthday, work history, education and interests.
A mini-feed section, which informs visitors about what you've been up to. If you change your profile picture or add a friend, the mini-feed will display a message about it.
A comments section called the wall, where other members can leave messages for you.
The Infamous Poke
One option that's gotten a lot of attention is poke. When you poke someone, Facebook sends a message to the other member that says he or she has been poked by you. What does this mean? Many members use the feature as a flirting technique, but according to Facebook, it doesn't mean anything at all -- it was included to give Facebook members a fun way to interact with one another. In short, a poke is whatever you want it to be.
If you visited another member's unmodified profile, you'd see the same fields and sections, but under his or her profile picture you'd have a few more options, including:

Instant message, which opens up a Facebook application IM client
Sending the person a message, a function similar to e-mail
An option to add the person as a friend, if he or she is not already your friend -- the next time the other member logs into Facebook, he or she will see the friend request and can accept, reject or ignore it.
When you log into your account, you arrive at your personal Facebook homepage. The basic homepage layout includes a news feed that keeps you updated about what your friends and networks are up to. There's also a status update section, which contains notices about messages you've received, invitations to events, notices about applications your friends would like you to try and a place where you can tell people how you're feeling or what you're up to. There's also a link that lets you invite friends to join Facebook.

Dynamic Profiles
Facebook designed profiles using dynamic hypertext markup language (DHTML). This means that you can change the layout of your profile simply by clicking on sections, such as your information box, and dragging them to another part of your profile.
Business owners, artists, bands and public figures can make special Facebook profiles. Instead of becoming friends with the owners of these accounts, you can become a fan. If you work for a company that doesn't have a presence of Facebook, it's a good idea to discuss a strategy with others before creating an account -- most human resources departments don't care for surprises.

You can customize your Facebook profile using Facebook applications, some of which were developed by members just like yourself. In the next section, we'll learn about the rich world of Facebook applications.

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if you’re invited to watch a movie on Facebook, realize that downloading a “special codec” or “media player” is ill-advised. It’s malware.

Example running right now:
Messages from Your Friends on Facebook, March 11, 2009
You have 1 Personal Message:
Video title: "Amanda is dancing on Striptease Dance Party, March 13, 2009! We're absolutely shocked!".
Proceed to view full video message:
hxxp://facebook.shared.completeserv.personalid-5ihg4wefb.based.867player com/home.htm?/tools/application=e1q3flwixa7lkef
Message ID: FB-7n1cqla9sgguzde
2009 Facebook community, Message Center.

When you try to view the "video", you're asked to download and run a "media player". That's the malware part.
This has been reported to Facebook.

Alex Eckelberry

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فيس بوك

فيس بوك
فيس بوك عربي، فيسبوك عربي، دردشة مكتوب، شات مكتوب، شبكة اجتماعية عربي
موقع ويب للتواصل الاجتماعي يمكن الدخول إليه مجاناً وتديره شركة "فيس بوك"
30 نيسان (إبريل) 2011‎ ... فرينديور، فيس بوك عربي، فيسبوك عربي، دردشة مكتوب، شات مكتوب، شبكة اجتماعية عربية، يوتيوب عربي، فلكر عربي، Friendior Arab Facebook, ...

س بوك عربي | دردشة مكتوب | شات مكتوب | Friendior - Cached - Similar
طفل مصرى يهزم فتاة إسرائيلية على "فيس بوك" - [ Translate this page ]
تعرض أحد الأطفال ويدعى 34 حسام علاء 34 فى الثالثة عشرة من العمر لموقف غريب حين اكتشف ذات مرة خلال قيامه ب 34 الشات 34 على موقع 34 فيس بوك. - Cached - Similar
فيس بوك - ويكيبيديا - [ Translate this page ]
فيس بوك (بالإنجليزية: Facebook‏) موقع ويب للتواصل الاجتماعي يمكن الدخول إليه مجاناً وتديره شركة "فيس بوك" محدودة المسئولية كملكية خاصة لها. ...فيس_بوك - Cached - Similar
فيس بوك - [ Translate this page ]
17 شباط (فبراير) 2011‎ ... فيس بوك الفيس بوك من اقوى المواقع والشبكات الاجتماعية الالكترونية يعتبر الاول في العالم في هذا المجال رابط الفيس بوك اولا ... - Cached
فيس بوك - يوتيوب سفينة الاحلام YouTube - [ Translate this page ]
فيس بوك,الفيس بوك,موقع فيس بوك,برنامج فيس بوك,شرح فيس بوك,ماهو فيس بوك,الفس بوك,فس بوك,facebook. › يوتيوب سفينة الاحلام YouTube › يوتيوب منوع‎ - Cached
شرح كـامل وبالـصور عن ال فيس بوك facebook و كيفية التسجيل - [ Translate this page ]
موقع الفيس بوك facebook عباره عن مدونه شخصيه أو صفحه شخصيه على الانتر نت بتكلم وتتناقش فيها انت واصدقائك وتتبادلو الصور والفديو والصوتيات البعض بيستخدم. › ... › توبيكات ماسنجر - برامج مسنجر‎ - Cached - Similar
وائل غنيم عبر "فيس بوك" مدافعاً : راجل يامحمود يا سعد !!
28 شباط (فبراير) 2011‎ ... عبر صفحة "كلنا خالد سعيد" التي دشنها على الموقع الاجتماعي "فيس بوك " دافع الناشط وائل غنيم الذي يعد أبرز الشخصيات الشابة التي شاركت في ثورة ...
News for فيس بوك

دي برس
صفحة لرئيس المجلس العسكري ورئيس الأركان على «فيس بوك» تثير جدلا في مصر
6 hours ago
... للقوات المسلحة (الحاكم في مصر)، وأخرى لرئيس الأركان الفريق سامي عنان، نشرتا على صفحتين باسميهما على موقع «فيس بوك» وتناقلتها وسائل إعلام أمس، جدلا كبيرا ...‎
الشرق الاوسط‎ - 4 related articles
Results from people in your social circle for فيس بوك - BETA

Ray Lam, the NDP candidate for Vancouver-False Creek, resigned on Saturday after racy photos were uncovered on his personal Facebook page. Ray Lam, the NDP candidate for Vancouver-False Creek, resigned on Saturday after racy photos were uncovered on his personal Facebook page. (Facebook)An NDP candidate has withdrawn from the B.C. election over racy photos that surfaced on the social networking site Facebook.
Ray Lam, the New Democrat candidate for Vancouver-False Creek, announced his decision Sunday night.
One of the photos showed Lam grabbing a woman's chest, while another depicted two people clutching at his underwear.
``An issue was made regarding inappropriate material on my private Facebook page,'' Lam said in an email statement. ``I regret this material and the associated comments that have now become public.
``I do not want this to be a distraction in the election campaign and have advised the party that I am stepping down,'' he said.
Lam apologized to B.C. NDP Leader Carole James and wished her party the best of luck in the May 12 election.

New candidate to be named

NDP president Jeff Fox said the party would nominate a new candidate in the next few days to run in the Vancouver-False Creek riding.
Ray Lam, shown with two friends, apologized after racy photos were uncovered on his personal Facebook page. Ray Lam, shown with two friends, apologized after racy photos were uncovered on his personal Facebook page.(Facebook)
Lam's chief opponent, Liberal candidate Mary McNeil, said the entire debacle showed Lam's inexperience.
``It's not a matter of the fact that the photos were there. It's that voters hold you up to a certain standard and they should and I think sometimes if you do things like that, it's just not appropriate,'' she said.
``I think, quite frankly, they were just inexperienced and it shows a lack of judgment.''
When asked if she thought this might help her chances of winning the riding, McNeil said she doesn't think so.
``I still have an opponent out there,'' she said. ``I'm just talking to folks in the riding. I think the big issues for them are the economy and crime and that's what I want to focus on.''

تحميل مع شرح لسكريبت facebook vip الكامل والأخير - [ Translate this page ]
1 post - 1 author - Last post: 24 Dec 2010
وليس اي فيس بوك انه نسخه Face Book VIP. الخاليه من اي خـطأ . ... الـف مبروك انت الآن تمتلك نسخه الفيس بوك الصحيحه 100% ... › ... › ::منتدى تطوير المواقع::‎ - Cached

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بنات الفيس بوك

صور بنات الفيس بوك صور بنات على الفيس بوك صور احلى بنات من الفيس

صور بنات الفيس بوك,صور بنات من الفيس
فضائح بنات facebook 2011, صور اغراء سكس 2011 , صور بنات الفيس بوك 2012 ,صور بنات  الفيس بوك 2013 ,مشاهدة بنات الفيس بوك 2014 ,صور احلا بنات من الفيس بوك 2013 ,صور بنات فيس بوك اغراء 2012 ,صور اغراء لبنات الفيس بوك,فضائح بنات الفيس بوك,فضيحة بنات الفيس بوك,صبايا الفيس بوك,صور جميلات الفيس بوك,صور فتيات الفيس بوك
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جميلات فيسبوك Facebook Girls

جميلات فيسبوك Facebook Girls

جميلات فيسبوك Facebook Girls

Videos for فيس بوك بنات 

رسالة ووصف لحال اغلب البنات في هذا الزمان ...
5 min - 13 Jul 2010
Uploaded by alireeroo10

تحذير هام لبنات الفيس بوك
5 Mar 2011

صور بنات الفيس بوك - فيديو اوكي -
9 min - 1 Apr 2011
Uploaded by ok733033
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Sign Upبنات و بس - Banat 9 bas is on FacebookSign up for Facebook to connect ... - Cached - Similar
منتديآت بنآت تبوك‏ | فيس بوك | Facebook - [ Translate this page ]
منتديآت بنآت تبوك is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with منتديآت بنآت ... - Cached
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صور بنات الفيس بوك صور بنات على الفيس بوك صور احلى بنات من الفيس ... - [ Translate this page ]
9 آذار (مارس) 2011‎ ... فضائح بنات facebook 2011, صور اغراء سكس 2011 , صور بنات الفيس بوك 2012 ,صور بنات الفيس بوك 2013 ,مشاهدة بنات الفيس بوك 2014 ,صور احلا بنات ... - Cached
فيس بوك ، Facebook ، شات فيس بوك ، بنات فيس بوك - [ Translate this page ]
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 16 Feb
فيس بوك ، Facebook ، شات فيس بوك ، بنات فيس بوك دردشة كتابية، شات كتابي ، شات صوتي ، منتدى ، منتديات. - Cached
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بنات الفيس بوك - بنات فيسبوك - [ Translate this page ]
25 أيار (مايو) 2010‎ ... بنات الفيس بنات فيسبوك. ازيكم يا شباب ان شاء الله تكونو بخير ... بنات الفيس بنات فيسبوك لما تحطى صورة عادية جدا فى ناس بتستعملها فى الأمراض ... › ... › منتدى المواضيع العامه‎ - Cached - 

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The Guys On American Idol

The Guys on American Idol
The Guys on American Idol

Kate Middleton's Wedding Dress And Jewelry

Prince William and Kate Middleton’s the royal wedding will take place April 29, 2011 at Westminster Abbey. 2 billion viewers, more than 1900 guests, 4 bridesmaids and 2 cakes there, but when Prince William and Kate Middleton marry, there can only be one dress her wedding dress. Kate Middleton’s dress is not simply but this dress is so much more than a dress.

Kate Middleton’s diamond engagement ring is stunning on it’s own. So there a question, what type of jewelery will she pair it with on her wedding day? Celebrity jeweler Neil Lane says “Wedding Day Jewelry we expect lots of diamonds are a perfect fit for the princess”. Classical jewelry will go well with Kate Middleton’s diamond engagement ring.
Here videos for Kate Middleton's Wedding Dress And Jewelry:
Royal wedding dress

Kate Middleton's Wedding Dresses

Royal Wedding Jewels

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Kate Middleton's Wedding Dress

First Look Video - Kate Middleton's Wedding Dress

Kate Middleton’s dress was looking good and fantastic and everyone said it timeless, elegant, stunning, and a triumph. As rumors it designed by Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen, was true.

The Prince William and Kate Middleton were married in London’s historic Westminster Abbey on Friday, April 29, 2011 in the biggest royal wedding for 30 years history.

Prince William’s new bride Kate’s wedding gorgeous dress, which perfectly hugged her frame and became an iconic garment. The Wedding dress was modern and the veil is long and sheer. Hand embroidered flowers with ivory silk and soft layers looking extraordinary in veil.

Watch here Kate Middleton's Wedding Dress’ first look video.

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Video - Prince William and Kate's Two Kiss

Video - Prince William and Kate's Two Kiss
The newly christened duke and duchess of Cambridge Prince William and Kate Middleton shared their first kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in London.

The royal couple was made each other in a beautiful wedding ceremony at Westminster Abbey.
Prince William and Kate Middleton were kiss second time on balcony and surprised to their millions of admirers.

Prince William and his princess Kate were joined by Prince Charles, Camilla Parker Bowles, Carole and Michael Middleton, Pippa Middleton, Prince Harry and Queen Elizabeth II.

Let’s watch Prince William and Kate’s two kisses video here.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

American Idol: An Overview

American Idol: An Overview
American Idol: An Overview

Videos: The Royal wedding kiss, vows and dress

The Royal bride Kate Middelton was stunning in a dress designed by Sarah Burton that is getting rave reviews worldwide. The historic vows were exchanged and the balcony kiss everyone waited for did not disappoint.
Soon-to-be Princess Kate Middleton arrives at the Abbey to meet her Prince.
See videos below.
View video: The Royal Wedding - The dress and the vows - Watch Global's broadcast coverage of Prince William and Kate Middleton's royal wedding.
View video: William and Kate: man and wife. Apr 29 - The vows are repeated and the rings exchanged. Prince William and Kate Middleton tie the knot at Westminster Abbey.
View video: Royal bride Kate Middleton in her stunning wedding dress. Apr 29 - Kate Middleton arrives for wedding in stunning dress designed by Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen.
View video: Raw Video: Wedding sermon. Rev. Richard Chartres delivers the sermon during Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal wedding.
View video: The Royal kiss. Apr 29 - Will and Kate appear on the balcony of Buckingham Palace for the first - and second - public kiss as husband and wife.

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